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【桃花城广播站】Tsawwassen Mills受新冠疫情冲击

作家相片: 戴维 李戴维 李

来自Delta Optimist的新闻报道:

受新冠病毒疫情影响,Tsawwassen Mills的一些商家已经暂停营业。

周一,购物中心非常安静,熟悉的品牌如Calvin Klein、Aritzia、Freedom Mobile、MAC、Nike、Levis等等都张贴着告示,称他们将关闭一段时间。



Uncle Bucks的经理在他们的门上张贴了一个告示,指出只允许最多50人同时在店内购物。

Milestones, Montana’s和 Boston Pizza这几家餐厅虽然营业但是十分冷清,门上有标语指出他们正在采取额外的清洁措施,同时也鼓励外卖。






约翰·霍根(John Horgan)和财政部长卡罗尔·詹姆斯(Carole James)上周表示,目前正在制定一项刺激计划,以支持本省和在本省发展的企业,并与联邦财政部长比尔·莫尔瑙(Bill Morneau)合作,以帮助小型企业员工。

总理贾斯汀·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)今天表示,加拿大人还应尽量留在家里,并补充说,个人只能在商店购买所需物品。

Some businesses at the Tsawwassen Mills have already closed their doors due to the coronavirus scare.

The mall on Monday was extremely quiet with stores like Calvin Klein, Aritzia, Freedom Mobile, MAC Cosmetics, Nike, Levis and others having signs posted stating they would be closed for a period.

Outside the mall, a shuttle bus driver stood outside his bus wondering if he should stick around, saying, “I have no customers, no one to drive.”

He also noted the roads seemed “as quiet as Christmas time.”

The manager of Uncle Bucks posted a sign on their door stating no more than 50 people at one time would be allowed inside the business.

Milestones, Montana’s and Boston Pizza were open but quite, having signs on their door stating extra cleaning precautions are being taken but also encouraging diners to utilize take-out or delivery.

The mall on its website notes it’s following the latest public health agencies and government recommendations and will remain open for the time being.

The mall also noted it has been paying particular attention to tenants, customers and visitors’ awareness of hand-washing hygiene and respiratory etiquette.

Effective Monday, March 16, the mall is also providing tenants the possibility of reducing their operating hours to 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Friday, and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday.

The reduced hours will remain in place for two weeks, for now.

The owner of one of the food court fast food outlets in an email noted their businesses were suffering and wondered whether there would be government aide for small business.

John Horgan and Finance Minister Carole James last week said the province is working on a stimulus package to support British Columbians and B.C.-based businesses getting hit hard by the COVID-19 virus, working with federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau to assist employees, small businesses, and vulnerable industries.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau today said Canadians should also try to stay home as much as possible, adding individuals should only buy what they need at the store.


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