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新冠疫情:Delta医院需要社会各界捐助 Coronavirus: A welcome donation to Delta Hospital

作家相片: 戴维 李戴维 李


这是Tsawwassen Commons的老板埃利奥特·格雷厄姆(Elliot Graham)所说的,他在周五向三角洲医院捐赠了180箱N95呼吸面罩。

省卫生官员邦妮·亨利(B​​onnie Henry)博士周五说,尽管全省尚未有重病,但仍有许多医护人员被感染。





People and businesses should do what they can to help others, especially hospitals, in this time of crises.

That’s what Elliot Graham, owner of the Mark’s store at Tsawwassen Commons, says, having donated a shipment of 180 N95 respiratory face masks to Delta Hospital on Friday.

Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry on Friday said a number of healthcare workers have been infected around the province, although none have faced serious illness yet.

Graham, whose store as well as all other Mark’s stores are temporarily closed, noted there’s lots of other ways people can help out frontline staff.

For example, eateries could donate coffee or food to hospital staff who will be stretched to the limit, he said.

He added the hospital was thrilled with the mask donation.

Dr. Henry this week also offered this advice, ““This is a time to support our friends, family and communities. Purchasing groceries for those isolating or donating blood to support our health-care system are some of the ways you can help. Canada Blood Services has added additional screening measures for increased vigilance to enable the continued supply of blood products for surgery, cancer treatments and emergencies.”

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