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Our Story





Get to Know Us

Throughout my year on exchange and through presenting about my year, I’ve realized that a lot of young people are capable of incredible things, but are never given the opportunity. Even more, they have the interest in doing so, meaning that all they need is a network that can help them out, and I’d love to open that path for some.


So as you see above, that's me, in a red blazer, about to go on exchange... During my grade 11 year, I went out on exchange with Rotary to Belgium, and let me tell you, it was a lot of fun. At first, I wasn't sure about this decision, but at the end, I realized it couldn't have been better. This year made me mature, be more confident, and made a lot of friends. Lastly, I went presenting about my year, and realized most importantly, I learned how valuable opportunities are, and how important it is to try everything thrown your way. So I decided to make this non-profit in order to help more people find their interest, and open these valuable opportunities to more people


The student exchange is a unique experience, you will never again be 15/16/17/18 alone in a country you don't know at all and where you MUST speak a language that is not yours.
You meet wonderful people who you could never have met in your country because you live on the other side of the earth.
Host families can be very, very nice or very, very mean and maybe they’re nice, but you don't have a good relationship and that's how it is, it's not always easy.
Basically you're going to have a life that's going to last 12 months and even if you continue to have relationships with the people you've met it's not going to be the same thing but in the end it all helps you grow a lot and that's it this is the best experience you could have.
I'm sure there's nothing like the relationships you make during your exchange.

When asked about the Importance of exchange and opportunities

- A RYE Student 2022-2023

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